Post by Jenna on Jun 3, 2005 14:01:11 GMT
Potter already knew Charles was good at Bridge so why did he challenge him?
I hated it when Margaret slapped Charles. I watched this frame by frame and I could see the red mark on his face from where she slapped him (Poor David. I hope they didn't have to do many takes on that scene).
Post by Kay4077 on Jun 3, 2005 17:59:14 GMT
It's just another one of those examples of the poor continuity from season to season in MASH, I'm afraid. Obviously the writer of this episode hadn't seen the episode with Flagg, where Potter & Winchester are quite happy to be Bridge partners.
Post by majordisaster53 on Jun 23, 2005 21:27:19 GMT
Yeah, I've always had issues with the continuity problems in MASH. I like my shows to have at least *some* continuity. MASH can't even stick to one name for certain character. Grrrrr. RE Margaret slapping Charles: I always thought she hit him kinda hard. Watching frame-by-frame you can see she actually did get him pretty good. Poor guy