Post by stanford9 on May 12, 2005 18:18:56 GMT
Is this the one at the very end, when he pulls the rubber chicken out of the teapot and screams, into the mic, Get me the HELL out of here! ?
I don't know why I find rubber chickens funny; they just are, okay?
I know it's the one where BJ's messin' with him, changing his uniforms and all (love KayEm's ATC of that story, "Dyeing for Revenge"!)
Post by Kay4077 on May 12, 2005 19:02:38 GMT
Is this the one at the very end, when he pulls the rubber chicken out of the teapot and screams, into the mic, Get me the HELL out of here! ? I don't know why I find rubber chickens funny; they just are, okay? I know it's the one where BJ's messin' with him, changing his uniforms and all (love KayEm's ATC of that story, "Dyeing for Revenge"!) Yep, that's the rubber chicken one alright. Glad you enjoyed the fic! (Well, I couldn't let those 2 have the last word, could I?
Post by Jenna on May 13, 2005 6:41:52 GMT
This si one episode that gives us an insight into Charles and how he feels about the situation he's in.
Charles was looking quite skinny in that episode as well particularly when he was wearing the clothes that were too big. He didn't look so good in the tight clothes though.
Post by Kirsten on Jun 7, 2005 22:59:23 GMT
I like that episode its a great one!