LOL thank you, thank you. I had to LOL at that picture, CG, I've not seen that one yet!! And all por moi!
I'm glad I didn't get this medal TOO quickly, or it'd be proof I've got just too much time on my hands. Well, I do, yeah, but after this past July, which has really SUCKED, I'm settling in and back on the 'net for a while.
To re-hash July, and why it's now my least favorite month (although granted, I love Independence Day):
July 2: Anniv of my dad's death
July 3, 2005 Last time I saw my Mother
July 15, 2005: Mom died
July 17: Dad's birthday
So both parents die the same month.
And today, August 9, one month exactly until MY birthday, is my Mom's birthday.
Oh yeah, almost forgot: On top of Mom's death, Scotty died... and now Peter Jennings, my favorite newscaster.
AND we had the stress of getting packed and moved into a condo that we hadn't even signed for yet (okay, not 'we' but my sister, who's buying it.) So what happens? We have to move our stuff any way, and find somewhere to stay until the condo was signed on. I ended up camping out (almost) at my friend's house, which makes a garbage dump look like a luxury hotel (and I'm not kidding, either, it was beyond disgusting....) All with my little ferret, who behaved amazingly well and was very tolerant of the temporary quarters in his carrier, not his two-story cage as he's used to.
NOW my oldest sis and I are in our new place, I'm able to work in downtown Seattle once more, and I've got five agencies looking for work for me. Things can only get better I figure.
Anyhoot, that's the long and short of what's been going on since early July in my life. I'm just glad to see that month overwith.
Oh, yet another thing... my sister, who's birthday is the day before mine (she's a year and a day older -- I have a lot of sisters) won't be here for our birthdays: she'll be in New Hampshire, in my original hometown, near where I was born, and I'll be here. She's bringing our parents' ashes to the mountain my mom worked on for handicapped kids, in the 60's, to lay them to rest. Also going to the county fair starting on MY birthday.
My son's going to just miss my birthday, yet again, because he'll be in Germany then, visiting friends, then reporting for duty in the Navy on Sept 13th, just four days after I turn 44.
Oh yeah, my sister, the one I live with, claims my cat "got away" during the move, so he's gone. I think she brought him to the Humane Society myself, she just won't tell me.
Jebus, life sucks. But like I said, it can only go uphill from here, right?
Sorry so long, just venting and letting y'all know why I've been kind of reticent and offline for a bit these past weeks.